Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Vocabulary quiz tomorrow on the new terms from Act I of
The Diary of Anne Frank.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Over the past two days, classes have been taking the Scantron Reading Test.  For more information on this assessment, please visit the following link:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Extra Credit Opportunity:

Explain the meaning of the following quote made by Mr. Frank talking to Anne.  Think about the context of the play and the fact that they are in hiding from the Nazis.

"But always remember this, Anneke.  There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Diary of Anne Frank

Drama by: Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett

Drama- a form of literature meant to be performed by actors before an audience

Setting- July 1942- August 1944, November 1945 in Amsterdam, Holland

Annex Residents:
              -Anne Frank
              -Margot Frank
              -Mr. Frank
              -Mrs. Frank
              --Mr. Van Daan
              --Mrs. Van Daan
              --Peter Van Daan
              ---Mr. Dussell

Workers (helpers) at Mr. Frank’s Business:
              **Miep Gies
              **Mr. Kraler
Act I Vocabulary

conspicuous (adjective)- easy to notice

loathe (verb)- to hate

vile (adjective)- disgusting

indignantly (adverb)- becoming angry by something unfair

wallow (verb)- to take great pleasure in
zeal (noun)- great enthusiasm

oppression (noun)- keeping someone down unfairly

jubilation (noun)- rejoicing in celebration

ostentatiously (adverb)- with great exaggeration

appalled (adjective)- horrified or shocked