Monday, April 15, 2013

NYS ELA State Exam will be given Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.  Here is what the students will be doing by day.


Day 1

Book 1
• Reading
42 multiple-choice questions (Students darken the circles on Answer Sheet 1.)
Allot 90 minutes

Day 2

Book 2
Book 3

• Book 2–Reading
21 multiple-choice questions (Students darken the circles on Answer Sheet 2.)

• Book 3–Reading and Writing
3 short-response questions (Students write answers directly in Book 3.)
1 extended-response question (Students write answer directly in Book 3.)
Allot 90 minutes

Day 3

Book 4
• Reading & Writing
5 short-response questions (Students write answers directly in Book 4.)
1 extended-response question (Students write answer directly in Book 4.)
Allot 90 minutes

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Diary of Anne Frank

Drama by: Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett

Drama- a form of literature meant to be performed by actors before an audience

Setting- July 1942- August 1944, November 1945 in Amsterdam, Holland

Annex Residents:
              -Anne Frank
              -Margot Frank
              -Mr. Frank
              -Mrs. Frank
              --Mr. Van Daan
              --Mrs. Van Daan
              --Peter Van Daan
              ---Mr. Dussell

Workers (helpers) at Mr. Frank’s Business:
              **Miep Gies
              **Mr. Kraler
Act I Vocabulary

conspicuous (adjective)- easy to notice

loathe (verb)- to hate

vile (adjective)- disgusting

indignantly (adverb)- becoming angry by something unfair

wallow (verb)- to take great pleasure in
zeal (noun)- great enthusiasm

oppression (noun)- keeping someone down unfairly

jubilation (noun)- rejoicing in celebration

ostentatiously (adverb)- with great exaggeration

appalled (adjective)- horrified or shocked