Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone,
   This week, we talked a bit about different elements of reading and understanding fiction.  Yesterday, there was a very important lesson on how to outline and plan for writing an essay.  I've posted a link on the right side of this page that should be helpful for students still having trouble with the process.

Very Important:

Monday and Tuesday of next week, my students will be taking the Scantron Reading Assessment in the computer lab.  The schedule is as follows:

Period 3 will be in the lab during periods 3 and 4
Period 7 will be in the lab during periods 7 and 8

Period 1 will be in the lab during periods 1 and 2
Period 2 will be in the lab during periods 3 and 4
Period 8 will be in the lab during periods 7 and 8

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today in Class:

1. Go over work from "The Velveteen Rabbit."
2. Discuss and practice the rules of dialogue.
3. Reading comprehension activity
    -What you don't finish in class becomes homework!

Extra Credit Opportunity
Answer the following riddle (without cheating).

What demands an answer, but asks no question?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Proverb of the Day:  "Actions speak louder than words."

Today, we will continue our work with plot.  Here are some new definitons that you need to know:

conflict- a struggle or problem that the characters face

protagonist- the main character(s)

antagonist- character or force that oppose the main character(s)

secondary characters- minor or less important characters

setting- time and place

theme- the message or moral that a story teaches

Thursday, September 20, 2012

         Image from "The Flight of Daedalus"

Plot-the sequence of events in a story
  • Exposition: the beginning of the story, establishment of setting and characters
  • Conflict: the problem(s) faced by the characters
  • Rising Action: events in the story leading up to the climax
  • Climax: the culmination of events in the story, point of highest reader interest
  • Falling Action: events leading to the solving of the story’s problems
  • Resolution: how events and problems of the story are solved

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy, Rainy Monday!

Tonight's Homework:
Complete the last page in the packet for "Charles."  It is titled, "Usage and Mechanics Worksheet."

Today, we are discussing the different types of point of view (pov) in literature.  Here's a chart and link to help with your understanding.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Quiz Today!

Here's your first extra credit opportunity:

Explain why the picture below is ironic.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This week, we'll be studying a short story called, "Charles" written by Shirley Jackson (  The main element of focus will be irony.  Here are the notes:

by: Shirley Jackson

Literary Terms

1.                  short story- a short work of fiction that can usually be read in one sitting.  Short stories usually focus on 1 or 2 characters that face a single problem (conflict).

2.                  setting- the time and place of the action of a story

3.                  irony- when there is a difference between what is expected and what actually happens.

Vocabulary Words

renounced- gave up or abandoned
    Ex. For her New Year’s resolution, Carrie renounced chocolate.

swaggering- strutting (walking) confidently
    Ex. On the first day of school, Dan was seen swaggering through the halls.

simultaneously- at the same time
    Ex. Both students answered the question simultaneously.

haggard- tired looking
    Ex. At the end of the day, Mr. Manley had a haggard look on his face.

incredulously- with disbelief
    Ex. Laura stared incredulously at the dog that could talk.

elaborately- doing something with great care.
    Ex. Mark elaborately pieced together his model airplane.

insolently- boldly (very) disrespectful
    Ex. For speaking to the principal insolently, Jessica was suspended.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Monday!

Here are the first set of notes for the year.  Please make sure to keep them in your English notebook.  Don't skip around pages and be sure to date each entry.

Unit 1: Insights and Perspectives

Insight- the ability to understand the inner nature of things, yourself and others.

synonyms: wisdom, intuition, instinct

Perspective- a specific point of view or understanding of things or events

synonyms: point of view, perception, viewpoint, outlook

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome to our class website for 2012/2013!  I trust everyone had an exciting but restful summer.  Check this site often for any important information, assignments, definitions, or news specific to things going on at JWB or in my classes.  Good luck and have a great year!