Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homework: Complete pages 27 and 28 of packet on nouns

Here are the notes for the day:

poetry- words arranged in a rhythm (or not) that express ideas and emotions.

literal language- when speech or writing means exactly what it says.

*figurative Language- speech or writing that is not meant to be taken “literally.”

     simile- comparing two unlike objects using “like” or “as”
          Ex. The crowd roared like a lion.

     metaphor- comparing two unlike objects without using “like” or  “as.”
          Ex. He is a computer.

     personification- giving non-human things or ideas human  characteristics.
          Ex. The basketball danced around the rim.

     hyperbole- an exaggeration
          Ex. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

imagery- mental pictures that are created with words.

tone- the writer’s attitude towards a subject.

mood- the emotion you feel when reading a poem.

alliteration- the repetition of beginning consonant (not vowels) sounds in words.
     Ex. Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

rhythm- the beats in a poem

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