Tuesday, January 6, 2015

On half sheet of lined paper:

How is Maycomb's treatment of Boo Radley similar to how many African Americans were treated during this time?

Today, we will be working with the poem, "Incident" by the great Harlem Renaissance poet, Countee Cullen.  If you like the poem, you can click on the following link to learn more about the author.      http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/55

On other side of lined paper:

Has the children's perspective of Boo Radley changed since the beginning of the novel?  Cite two pieces of evidence to support your claim.

Enrichment/Extra Credit!!

Look up Countee Cullen's poem, "Tableau."  

Here's a link to the poem:

Print out a copy, and do the following:

1. Perform a close reading- read the poem carefully and write down the gist of each stanza.  Make sure to take notes of words and lines that may seem important or stick out in some way.
2. In your own words, write a paragraph summarizing what is going on in the poem.  What is the poem's message?  Make sure to explain the significance of the title, "Tableau."  


Write a journal entry from Boo Radley's perspective explaining the events of the novel thus far. (one paragraph)

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