Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome Back Everyone, and Happy New Year!

This week, we will be starting our first novel for the year, The Giver by Lois Lowry.  It is about a fictitious utopia where everyone's future is planned out for them from birth.  Here are some notes for the first 4 chapters.

The Giver
by: Lois Lowry

novel- a long work of fiction usually separated into chapters.

science fiction- a type of fiction that is based on real or scientific ideas

Vocabulary for chapters 1-4

adherence (n)- obedience to a rule

apprehensive (adj)- nervous

chastisement (n)- a punishment

disposition (n)- a person's temperment

ironic (adj)- meaning the opposite of what is literally said

navigational (adj)- directional

nurturer (n)- a caregiver

palpable (adj)- easily felt; obvious

populate (v)- to inhabit

prominent (adj)- important

serene (adj)- calm

transgression (n)- a violation of a rule